Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Logo Design for Berks Referral Group
This logo was created for a new local referral group with two options for use. Stand alone or negative space version within the a vector of the County in which this group operates.
2016, A Year in Review
As the last few days of the year are winding down, it’s always a good time for some reflection on the past 12 months and the projects I’ve completed during them. Below are a few of my favorites: KSTG Website Website created for transportation company. Above Standard Tile Logo Development Sometimes the coolest projects you…
A New Old Chair
Every kid grew up with that chair. You know, when you walked home from school and slung off your backpack; the one you plopped down into and watched the 4pm episode of Gilmore Girls on. The one you stayed up until the wee hours playing Spyro The Dragon on PS1 in. The one that was directly…
New Logo Development
Another few months have gone by. I’ve been busy working on a few new projects, including a couple logo designs that I want to share today! First up, a brand new start-up company that creates awesome pieces of decorated metals. The client in this case knew pretty much exactly what they wanted. I just had…
Pokemon loGo
The long awaited release of Pokemon Go finally happened almost a week ago. I’ve been pretty psyched about it since Niantic announced it last winter. Even more psyched when I was chosen to be a beta tester at the end of May. Server load has made the game unplayable at times, which is frustrating, but…
End Table Refurbish
My boyfriend and I recently moved in together, combining our (surprisingly a lot of) furniture and belongings. He’s had these two wooden end tables, one which he used in his childhood bedroom, and the other found in his childhood home’s attic when he moved out some years ago. They have certainly seen better days, but…
AM Creative has rebranded!
The year is almost over, time for some big changes! It was time to do away with my freshly out of school branding design and create a brand identity that better suits my current and future business. A little older, a little wiser, I might add. 🙂 I’ve been toying with this AM type idea…
Home is Where the Capsule Is
Starting a new “for-fun” poster series for the game Ingress.
The Triangle Wall
A creative job can be a heck of a lot easier in a creative atmosphere. So, I decided to ditch the white walls and go for something unique. Here is my progress: Welcome to my new office! Next thing is replacing the carpet…
Got any book recommendations?